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Our 30-Day Supplement has been carefully developed with key ingredients Fulvic Acid & Sea Buckthorn (Omegia ™). This product is known for its potency in minerals, vitamins and vegan Omegas 3 6 7 9. Both ingredients combined have the ability to help the body assimilate more nutrients and protect the cells from free radical damage. Naturally cleanse the body and optimise your body's natural detoxification system. Taking this supplement daily can leave you bursting with energy, improved immunity and generally feeling healthier from the inside to the outer skin.
Also known as the ‘holy fruit’ in Tibet, having been used in ancient medicine for millions of years. It's a small bright orange to yellow berry mainly and grown all around the world, with some of the richest source coming from Tibet in
China. It has the highest level of antioxidants, vitamin C & E and Omega 3, 6, 7, and 9 than any other berry in the world. Omega 7 is a rare Omegas and was only discovered at the university of Harvard in 2008 and is now known as one of the most potent omegas for cellular reproduction. This is why Sea Buckthorn is used as an active ingredient in many cosmetics on the shelf. Due to its healing properties.
Many studies show that applying fatty acids, Vitamin C & E and antioxidants to the skin can result in a variety of healing and health benefits.
We recommend starting off your first week with ⅛ of a teaspoon and work your way up to ¼ teaspoon which is the daily recommended amount. Mix your serving size in a glass of water or add it to your morning smoothie or juice. Make sure to drink plenty of water when taking this product as your body will want to get rid of toxic waste and its important to keep up our water intake in order to flush these out.
The recommended water intake is for every 30kg of weight you should be drinking 1L of water. So if you are 60-70kgs, 2-2.5L of water.
Our Fulvic Acid is from Canada and Sea Buckthorn is a Tibetan berry. Both are imported to Australia where our products are hand packaged and delivered to your door.
For the first 3-4 days, depending on your health, you may experience some detox symptoms like a headache or fatigue. This is why we recommend starting with a smaller dose. After your body has rid itself of toxins, you are likely to feel an influx of energy, increased cognitive function and perhaps improved sleep quality.
This is because your body is getting the vitamins, minerals and electrolytes it needs to function at an optimal level.
When introducing Fulvic/Humic Acid into the body, your cells will be removing waste and toxins that you may experience some detoxing effects such as; fatigue, foggy brain, headaches, mild aches and pain, confusion, nausea and more regular bowel movements.
This will last up to 2-3 days depending on the severity of the pollutants in your body.
The 30-Day has exactly 30 serves per package (¼ teaspoon). The idea is to use this as your daily supplementation to enhance the vitamins and minerals that are delivered into your cells. Our 30-Day is easily set up on a subscription basis and is delivered to your door monthly to make it easy for you to get your daily dose of Mud.
Our detox pack has a three months supply of our Mud. You can take a little extra if you are detoxing, bath in it, take a foot bath and even mix it with a few drops of water to make your very own homemade mud mask. dryness during menopause.
The studies show that is can help with your mucous membranes and can help women who experience discomfort as a result of menopause.
Due to the high levels of potent electrolytes, you can certainly feel a boost into your performance in the gym or on the field. This product also helps to deliver more minerals, nutrients and vitamins into your cells from the fruit and vegetables you are eating on a daily basis. Resulting in increased energy,
concentration and focus.